Versailles, by Inshallah de Muze and Urioffine II, by Lux Z

Pedigree :

Inshallah de MuzeNabab de ReveQuidam de Revel
Melodie en Fa
Exellentia de MuzeFor Pleasure
Narcotique de Muze
Urioffine IILux ZLord Calando

10 year old Oldenbourg gelding - flaxen chestnut - 1.69m (16.3hh)

Inshallah de Muze x Lux Z

Horse for sale - Price : **** (prices legend) * : under $15,000
** : Between $15,001 and $30,000
*** : Between $30,001 and $50,000
**** : More than $50,000

About :

This pretty gelding competed in the 6 yo qualification series with a pro rider and qualified for the final and is currently competing up to 1.25m/7 yo class series with an amateur rider. Careful, athletic and scopey horse. Friendly temperament. Tinka’s Boy motherlines.

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